VII dear hazel, 5 months…how did we get here? there were so many days over the past 5 months that i wasn’t sure i’d see morning or enjoy this thing called motherhood. but now? today? i am so in love with you and being your mom. like head over heels. while i still have days […]

VI dear hazel, man, child, this month has been a big one for you. your first trip to the beach, you started sleeping through the night fairly consistently, you started laughing (i totally cried tears of joy), you constantly chew on your fingers/hands…i could go on and on. i have spent countless minutes just staring at […]

V dear hazel, this was a big month for you! it started with your 2 month shots, which were less traumatic for you than they were for me, and also included your first “vacation.” i use the term “vacation” loosely bc the word takes on a far less relaxing meaning now that you’re here. but […]

IV dear hazel, man, hazel, i’ve got to be honest, you’re closing out this month with a bang. i’ve always been told that weeks 6-9 can be rough with fussiness peaking and man were they right. you seem to be inconsolable at times, especially these past few days and especially in the evening. but things […]

III dear hazel, i find it mildly ironic that i sat down at exactly 3:26 pm to write this letter to you, my 4 week old baby girl. 1 month of you, me, and your dad trying to figure out life as a family of 3. over the past couple of weeks you’ve definitely found […]