when i was working at capitalsource, i listened to NPR all day, every day. i love it, can’t get enough of it (ooh baby, ooh baby…). now, thanks to the amazing, convenient and not to mention (temporarily) FREE satellite radio on my brand-spanking new jetta, i can enjoy not only one, but two, TWO NPR stations all day, every day. that’s more mo rocca than this girl can handle. just kidding, i can always handle more mo (and the rest of his friends on wait wait!).
nothing gets my blood running like some good, hard statistics:
NPR listeners are:
12% less likely to watch “American Idol.” Does that mean NPR shouldn’t cover it? Is it too culturally relevant to ignore?
64% more likely than average to have traveled abroad in the last 3 years.
2.5 times more likely than average to be Mac users at home.
28% less likely than average to say celebrity endorsements influence their purchase decisions.
45% more likely than average to drink Pabst Blue Ribbon.
70% of NPR listeners say they voted in the most recent election, as opposed to 44% of U.S. adults.
More NPR listeners drive pickups than Volvos.
NPR’s audience has increased 104% in the last decade, compared to a 29%, 24%, and 29% decreases in newspaper, network news, and radio news audiences, respectively.
(via one of NPR’s multiple Twitter feeds, @nprconnect)
added to and reblogged from love puppy
NPR listeners are 100% more likely to make sure everyone knows they listen to NPR.