one of my favorite things to do in the summer with my farmers market finds is to grill it up and make a salad out of it. i find myself eating these salads for days on end without getting tired of them. the mix for this sunday consisted of squash, onion, purple/white carrots (which i […]

skinny legs; st john, usvi; 2010 we love burgers, yes we do. we love burgers, how ’bout you?

josh’s birthday is this weekend (happy early birthday, biff) and since he was down here this past weekend, he got to choose his birthday dessert. obviously he went all american with apple pie; pretty appropriate for the weekend. the following recipe is from the famous green cookbook and never lets us down. we’ve made a […]

this past saturday, josh and i had grand plans of (finally) celebrating my birthday with a nice dinner at sweet violet. but when it came time to make ourselves presentable, neither of us were game. instead? burgers and root beer at mason’s in nearby washington. a low key night was just what the doctor ordered. […]

this past weekend (minus the 3 hours of mulching duty in the 92 degree heat on sunday) was exactly what my stressed out, overwhelmed self needed. the fact that my birthday fell on saturday was, well, icing on the cake. pun intended. farmers markets, steak, sangria, family and swimming; just what my chiropractor ordered.