when i look back at my 2012 wedding season, something wonderful happened. i feel that i can honestly say that the majority of the weddings i booked this year were booked because my brides wanted me, the photographer, not just because my calendar was open and the budgets aligned. that’s truly something spectacular to any […]

i simply can NOT believe it’s time to do another retrospective on my year. what started out as me wanting to show my clients (and the internet) the work i accomplished (how self-indulgent?!) has become more of a memory book for me. it’s so fun for me to play through past year’s videos and see […]

you know those people, in life, who live up to every word people say about them, like it’s almost too good to be true? “oh, he’s such a sweetheart”…”isn’t she the sweetest?” brooklyn and terry aren’t too good to be true-they’re the real thing. the last time i spent time with brooklyn, she was about […]

i discovered this couple/studio a few weeks ago when their engagement video popped up on my tumblr dashboard. i was completely awestruck. it wasn’t until after i watched their video (and showed it to josh) that i realized that THEY are the ones usually behind the camera. that good looking AND talented. come on. brinton […]

i wanted to show my personal year in review (2010 & 2009), but since i’ve been trying to keep this blog all business-like i kept my words over on my personal blog. you can read them here. peace out 2011. ciao, 2012. i can’t wait to add lots of new memories (and clients!).