i succumbed to receiving a black bikini for my birthday. see, i have this obsession habit of buying mismatched suits (all from jcrew). they all coordinate, well maybe sometimes they don’t, but it makes me happy, so who cares (that’s a rhetorical statement, mom). i bought this top (in grey) to match some bottoms i […]

sometimes, while going through my massive amounts of e-commerce in the morning, i come upon something that makes me stop in my tracks. this morning, i received this email and did just that. i mean, really. i was instantly inspired to create an outfit i would wear, based on the fantastic pair front and center. […]

i stumbled upon this look yesterday and though i don’t watch the show (i know, i know), this instantly gave me the desire to catch up, if for no other reason than to see the fashion. i’m glad to see people taking notice of the styling of this show, what i have seen is genius. […]