logan and laura had such a beautiful day full of love, family and personal touches like hand painted wooden coasters and bringing in an ice cream stand from a local shop for guests. we had such a wonderful day and i wish them nothing but the best!! many thanks to these wonderful vendors: reception: klubhaus […]

ann may have been known in high school as the girl all the guys wanted to date, but i have a feeling aaron wasn’t exactly pining for dates, himself. it took them a couple years of settling into adult life before they began dating and these two are such a match. both teachers, they are passionate about […]

while their relationship began in high school and the years have gone by, that didn’t make jessica and justin and less nervous for their wedding day. nerves were high, but, as they often do, as soon as these two did their first look a literal weight was lifted. that’s one of the reasons i love […]

the term “fwb”, or “friend with boat” may ring a bell for many. i know when i lived in chicago, finding an “fwb” was a goal i never achieved. lucky for brandon’s friends, he was THE “fwb” who treated such lucky friends with lots of outings during the warm summer months. one particular summer, brandon caught […]

something funny happened the other day….i counted up all the weddings i’ve done in my career and when i landed on nicole + jordan’s, i couldn’t believe the number i said aloud: 50. fifty amazing couples, 100 awesome people…50. wow. with that said, i can’t think of a sweeter couple to have marked this milestone. […]