from the archives: i took this at anna’s state marching band contest and after taking it, i couldn’t stop saying “well that’s a horse of a different color” to myself for the rest of the day. so funny and so anderson. side note: does anyone else remember the return to oz? mental note to myself: […]

as i said here, i had the privileged of shooting austin’s senior pictures. he’s such a talented, super-awesome kid and i’m so glad i was able to do it. as i’ve said before, it always makes me happy when i can take truly original/personal pictures for someone. it’s such an exciting thing.   and my […]

yesterday i had the pleasure of taking senior pictures of/for austin. i’m still editing and will post my favorites probably later today but i just came across this one and i had to post immediately. we started downtown jasper and while he had all his instruments out (he plays 4) i said, “where is the […]

so since i’m now an ‘official’ resident of jasper again, i figured i should spend my friday night supporting my sister and my alma mater as they played southridge, our rival high school. even though it rained and was on a lightening delay, jasper won by a lot to a little. it’s always fun to […]