during the week, it’s really had for me to muster the energy (or time) to whip up a really complicated dinner. when i saw this recipe, i knew it was perfect for a fast, yet tasty, weeknight meal. as we were eating, i stated i’d make it for the next three nights, it’s that good. […]

i’m not sure if it’s the nearing of christmas, the dropping of temperatures or the settling in of our new house, but lately i’ve been craving comfort food and my number one comfort food is chicken pot pie. i followed this recipe and though the title suggests, i definitely wouldn’t call this “easy” chicken pot […]

yeah, i said it. i was hellbent on having a cinco de mayo fiesta last night and after the day i had, the one place in the world i wanted to be was the kitchen. when i’m mad, i cook. when i’m stressed, i bake. it works for me. something about the control, i’m sure. […]