oh these two…there’s something about them that my camera just absolutely loves. i’ve gone on and on before about how much i love them and love working with them, so i’ll spare you the gushing again. ashley and corey are expecting their littlest love one day away from their first anniversary and i couldn’t be […]

sometimes there are those couples that i really groove with. something just clicks from the get-go and i can’t explain it. from the moment i sat down with ashley to sign a contract, i knew this was going to be one of those weddings. i’ve had the pleasure of working with ashley and corey a […]

so, as most creatives tend to do, i have been in a little bit of a rut. nothing major, i’ve just been feeling a little ‘status quo’ lately. i find this happens a lot, the busier i get. i spend too much time nose to the grind and not enough of my time smelling roses. […]