pay it forward friday: skinnytaste

boy, do i have a website for you. i like to think i’m pretty well versed in “internet,” but i just discovered the healthy recipe powerhouse blog that is skinnytaste a couple weeks ago. since then i’ve made the slow cooked cuban pork (holy yum), chicken nuggets (one never grows too old for chicken nuggets, especially when they’re this good) among many others. in fact, everything i’ve cooked the past 2 weeks came from skinnytaste. all the recipes are broken down for weight watchers points (old and new number systems) for those concerned with that. we’re not doing ww, but being a past graduate of the system i know how convenient it is when recipes cater to it. with the turn of the new year, i’ve been trying to clean up our eating habits a bit (which aren’t that bad, but there’s always room for improvement) and skinnytaste has made it so easy.
do yourself a favor: start browsing and marking. she’ll become your #1 visited site just like me.

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